New Home for Unpleasant Emotions
Am struck with thought that former panic, rage, frustration, and existential trauma caused by association with the copy machine has not disappeared, but rather found new home--meetings. Feel that have already been Broken Record on this topic, but, unfortunately, am compelled to go to many meetings and am thus unable to break unhealthful obsession with topic. Psychological studies have proven (am sure read brief article in Utne Reader citing real study) that meetings have extremely detrimental mental effects on attendees who do not care for meetings. Those who do care for meetings (first shock when reading article is realization that there are people who actually enjoy meetings) experience beneficial and lasting psychological effects. As look around room (These thoughts originally composed in head during meetin on Outreach), am alarmed that those who enjoy meetings seem to be the clear majority in this room--this based on theory enjoyment of meetings is in clear relation to amount of food brought. Last week the Contessa observed in stunned voice that sometimes when she goes to meetings she feels that people are getting ready to settle in to a bomb shelter. Woman next to me beings to peel a boiled egg. Egg smells strongly of sulphur and yolk is a bilious green. Man across the table begins to eat sandwich of peanut butter, bacon, and sliced apple. Gentleman leading the meeting is condescending toward the egg eater, who shakes salt out of paper packet onto her egg and says, Of course, she may be wrong (tone suggests she thinks nothing of the sort) but in her experience--close to fifteen years at this school--she's--actually what it reminds her of is when Jim Wexler was the president--who else remembers when the faculty went into revolt? Am excited by prospect of revolt of any sort, but egg eater drops topic for more prosaic line of discussion on Past Trends in fundraising. Draw passable Hedgehog.