Friday, April 13, 2007

Another Fantasy

Cindy Stevens is away and as office is very quiet, decide to go to yoga at noon. Tell Oliver who says he hopes I have fun--he's got to wait for the copy machine repair man to come. Try to commiserate with Oliver. Say, The Xerox machine used to be the bane of my existence! Oliver gives me a blank look, Why? he asks. Why indeed. Walk briskly to yoga studio. After checking in and changing, put mat down at front of room, where through large windows can see building across the street. Have very clear mental image of Law & Order episode which starts in exactly the same way--people drifting in to large brightly painted room with wood floors, putting down mats, some people talking, some people stretching, some people (me) sitting and thinking, and then, Bang! the glass of the window shatters and some poor model has a sniper bullet in her head. Hairs on back of neck stand up and have to remind self that this scenario very unlikely and that, furthermore, should not be having such violent thoughts. Should instead Calm Mind. Class progresses very nicely, culminating in the lying down portion at end during which have conversation with Jenny--think that it is odd that she's been able to talk all along and hasn't ever bothered--Oh, she says, she was traumatized from the flooding--wake up with a jolt. Fervently hope that have not been snoring--nose still not all that it could be, allergy-wise. Only recount dull personal thoughts to show that was so self-involved all through class that did not notice owner of Sam the Goldendoodle sitting not two rows behind me. When get back to office, call the Contessa--feel that story best served by starting with detail about Oliver and the copy machine--the Contessa says to hurry it along, which do not care for and which makes me stretch out story even more, but eventually get to the sighting of the new dog owner. Tell her that it is a Sign. She says caustically that it is a sign he isn't straight.


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