Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Unfinished Business

Train so slow this morning that begin to think have perhaps died and am in purgatory. Revise opinion of location downward after tall man decides that what he ought to do on a crowded train stuck between stations is to play music on his phone loudly enough for the whole train to hear. Woman next to me shakes her head and then goes back to her Sudoku puzzle. (Attempt to seruptitiously observe her so can learn rules of game unsuccessful. Tell self firmly that can't figure out rules because prefer Word Games.) When finally see nose of Dachsund poking out from top of handbag--one distraction proven to make time pass quickly--train pulls up to station. As am walking briskly to school, hear one mother pushing stroller say to the other, I finally found out what's wrong with Eva. Ears perk up--even though have no personal acquaintence by name of Eva--though now wish did, as am now likely to hear some hot gossip. Unfortunately, can hear nothing else of conversation except for Mumble, mumble, Angela Lansbury. As am late for meeting, must tell self that this is yet another of Life's Mysteries. In meeting, draw and admirably shade pyramid. Am so inspired by success of pyramid that stick with Egyptian theme and attempt Sphynx. Results not happy--drawing resembles ailing elephant seal. In office, Jackie says she made brownies--at which shriek Oh boy! which when recall at any time for rest of day fills me with horror--to which Jackie continues with sinister sentence--she made them, but when she went to take a shower this morning The Cat messed them up. On the whole, suppose that should be glad that Jackie not the sort of person for whom a little cat mess is forgivable, but am wildly disappointed and angry at cat for several hours.


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