Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Talk to grandmother in Widbey Island yesterday who says that it snowed a little bit and it was in the twenties. Counter with own She replies, This kind of weather very strange and it is clear that the end is nigh. Nigh, she says, that's a word you don't have a chance to say often. It's like the word bosom. You can't use it uin regular speech any more--you can only use it if you're singing--here she switches from vigorous speaking voice to very vigorous alto--Rock-a my soul in the Bosom of Abraham! Agree that bosom has fallen out of use, but urge her strongly to please not talk about The End. At this, we takee up new topic of Sigrid, Elizabeth, and--as grandmother call's Sigrid's husband--that weasley man. Do not wish to encourage this behavior, but inwardly can only agree. Elizabeth darling and though she can't yet talk, it is clear that she is on the road to being a Genius; Sigrid a Big Help with the cooking of Thanksgiving dinner (this a bald lie--Sigrid yearly suggests Going Out instead of Bothering to cook); Sigrid's husband seemed Tired. I, in turn, tell her that Dave has moved further along in the sale of his share of the business. Grandmother says, It is very rude to ask about money, but I can be honest with her. Tell her what Dave is expecting, but remind her that he is going to take time off work to be a Poet. She replies that, She's sure he's making the right decision and anyway he's going to inherit pots of money anyway, right? Admit that am still hazy on what, if anything, he will get. (Privately think that we will all be drowned or dead of starvation, etc. before this even becomes an issue, but as violates earlier request that Grandmother not talk about The End, keep grim thought to self.) At end of conversation Grandmother says Why doesn't she come visit us. Am excited and tell her please do.


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