Wednesday, November 15, 2006


Jackie asks if I like chocolate chip cookies with pecans. Say yes. Oh good, because she made too many. Produces large tupperware container that holds thousands. Say loudly that Am going to have One cookie. Have memory of being told as a child that it is rude to have more than two of anything that is offered to one. Forget self and have five cookies, which seem to have extra chocolate chips in them. Libby comes in the afternoon to help train Jackie. Is apparently not swayed by Jackie's cookies because can hear Libby say in stern voice, You must never, ever, leave a scrap of paper on your desk at the end of the day. The Chair doesn't like it. (Note: This is entirely false, but have sudden rock-solid conviction that Libby may very well believe it to be true because she wants it to be true. Wonder how often in own life beliefs warp reality. I'm very neat, Jackie says in short tone.) Because, Libby continues, sometimes people Think that piles on the desk are (now she is talking about me), a way of organizing things but they are wrong. Libby continues at length. Cower in office until Jackie comes in, red faced and very, very angry. Asks if it is OK to shut the door. Urge her to do so quickly and ask her if I can do anything to help. When door is shut, Jackie says, she just need a little break, she'll be fine. Awkward moment ensues when realize that know nothing about Jackie and she nothing about me. Ask her, Are you from the Bronx? Yes. Ask, Oh, where in the Bronx. She replies politely, but as have never been to Bronx, street names mean nothing to me. Out of nervousness, give monologue about cookies. At end, Jackie says she's had enough of a break--she'd better get back to her (eye roll) training. Spend rest of afternoon worrying that she will quit.


Blogger Another Shade of Grey said...

Must keep reminding self that truth is stranger than fiction. Not to be a stickler for details, but technically, you're the "thiry-something year old secretary".

7:53 PM  

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