Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Helpful Delusion

Last few days have been crisp--which is pleasing on several levels. One, am able to wear new wool coat. It is not an exaggeration to say that have been in search of this exact coat for seven years. Coat found at Steven Alan sample sale--referred to sale by leg model who expressed regret that she couldn't go as is in LA, but wished me luck. Luck is indeed granted. When go to sale, have to take several laps around space while get up nerve to use charp ends of elbos to create room for self. SEe several promising fabrics, but don't committ until third lap, when am inhabited by spirit of shopping god (demon?) Have rarely experienced such focus. In fact, see Hilary of the casting agency, and give her a distracted Hi before diving back into racks of clothes. (Later, am struck by cynical thought that she will think better of me because of my disinterest.) Am assertive about personal space so that nobody horns in on my area of the racks. Narrowly avoid disaster in form of temporarilly charming cream canvas blazer with rivets and blue cordoury cuffs--also red sweater with blousy sleeves and jeans with patches. Fashion disasters avoided, but do wreck havoc on bank account after find and purchase aforementioned wool coat--mid thigh length, collar which can be turned up, slim--and also gray wool blazer, two button down shirts, canvas belt, and long wool scarf for Dave--snatched up at the last minute so he doesn't think I thought only of myself. This tactic more or less successful--Dave greets evening fashion show with amused look on face and sardonic question--Is that all you could find? Am also glad for chillier weather because am more able to delude self about Global Warming. Know that this is intellectually weak, but is psychologically much more pleasant.


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