Monday, November 06, 2006

The Marathon

On Sunday morning am awakened at six a.m. by voice over loudspeaker: Wake up people, you need to get up and move your cars off of Lafayette before you get towed! The marathon is coming through! Wake up people,let's go! Sleep out of the question. Get up to write. Feel very strongly that have been writing book for long enough and really ought to be done. In novels--ironically in place most likely to know what is actually going on--books get written in months or even days. Spend hour making coffee, eating cinnamon toast, cutting up apple into pieces, playing tug of war with Jenny and sock, drawing what looks like Medieval illuminations along side of draft, and before finally settle into work. Immediately, DJ starts blaring music on street, presumably to cheer on the runners. Do not think it is appropriate or desirable when Girls Just Want to Have Fun is played when women leaders come through. Suppose should be glad that Who Let the Dogs Out--favorite from last year--is not repeated.


Blogger Another Shade of Grey said...

LOL. Love your sense of humor and way of telling story. Going to bookmark you for sure.

3:49 PM  

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