Monday, June 25, 2007

The Zoo

Susan and Oliver are both pleased to discover this morning (I am less pleased) that they are both ferret owners. Try to escape conversation, but don't want to be rude and now brain is crammed with uselss knowledge about Tootie (Susan's ferret--is this racist?) and Big Jim (Oliver's). Also learn that: 1. Ferrets like to eat chicken soup or gravy when sick. 2. Ferrets can be trained to use a litter box. Am not shocked to learn that Oliver's ferret hasn't mastered chore, while Susan's has. 3. A female is called a Jill, a male a Hob, and a youngster a Kit. Don't know why can't pull self away from conversation, but stand riveted in front of Oliver's desk and listen him and Susan trade cute ferret stories, most involving being surprised by a ferret that suddenly jumps out from a hiding place to play--also learn that can tell a ferret wants to play when it jumps around and hisses. (Question, Doesn't that mean it's mad? is met with derision.) Ask Oliver how Bridget gets along with Big Jim. Oliver claims that Bridget Likes Big Jim, and besides, there's lots of other animals around, so they all have to get along. What kind of other animals? The fish, the iguana. The tarantulas. They used to have a baby alligator, but then... Begin to think that Oliver's apartment must be exactly like a small version of the Central Park Zoo, and hope never to be invited over. Like animals, but not in cages, and do not think it is amusing to be surprised by weasel. Naturally, keep thoughts to self as am glad that Oliver and Susan have finally found common ground.


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