Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Discouraging Morning

Yesterday on whim purchase white low-rise Converse sneakers and am very pleased. Less pleased this morning when discover that feet look exactly like yachts. Ask Dave if he thinks shoes look long and pointy. There is a long pause. Then he says, They just look a little too clean--they just need to get messed up a bit. In moment accept this as truth. It is raining when leave apartment for work and am glad for opportunity to muddy up shoes. Rest of body also gets wet. On way to work, reward self with iced coffee (because have brought lunch), and then stop by bank to get quarters--laundry situation even more dire than usual. There is no line at bank and get quarters without hitch. As am leaving, juggling rolls or quarters, iced coffee, wallet, bag, notice that linoleum is very slippery and then in next second find self on the ground. Guard asks, Are you all right sir? Attempt to get up and also gather belongings at same time--task made much more difficult because one roll of quarters has split open. Am helped by guard and anonymous others, anonymous because am blushing furiously and fix eyes on stray quarters so as not to meet anyone's eye. It is only when leave bank that notice that right shoe squishy with coffee. Stop by J. Crew to look in mirror to see if shoe looks smaller. It doesn't and go to office feeling dejected. Susan is more or less understanding. The same can not be said for Oliver says he's been thinking about the Constitution, What were you two talking about? Now feel frivolous and damp.


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