Monday, June 13, 2005


Drink three sips of coffee and banana in the very early dawn and get to the Y pool by 8 a.m. Day promises to be hot, but am suffused with Virtue and weather does not affect me. Change in locker room. Refrain from looking at self in mirror as know this will be demoralizing. Jump into pool. Water very warm. Morning swimmers a vigorous bunch, even in the Medium lane. But the slow lane is not an option as occupied by very large woman who floats on her back and thrashes her arms, by man who dog paddles, and other woman who swims on her side so slowly that it seems impossible that she is afloat. There is a sign on the wall that says that so many laps equals a mile. While swimming, try to do math to fiigure out how many long it would take me to swim a mile, but can't seem to hold the wall equation in my haead. Fairly certain that these problems could be solved by Algebra. Have noticed that this tendency to do Math comes up when I exercise, perhaps as a distraction. Get a stitch in my side. Pull self out of pool, very pleased, but holding side. When I get into the locker room, I discover that I swam for fifteen minutes. Well, it is a start, tell self consolingly. Would not want to Cramp up. Get back to office and eat large tuna fish sandwich, chips, bronwie (from summer colony), orange, and, after a hunt, stale but otherwise delicious packet of barbeque chips discovered in back corner of desk drawer. Go to the bathroom and discover goggle indentations on face. No amount of rubbing makes indentations go away. Can feel the Roll disappearing already.


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