Thursday, June 09, 2005


Have been woken up every morning at 5:30 by very strong sun coming directly through window making me feel like a pork roast. Not nice way to wake up, hence, much back and forth with the Contessa about the benefits and costs of different kinds of window coverings: shades, drapes, sheers, solar shades, sheet tacked into window (current solution.) All options other than bed sheet alarmingly expensive. Spend yesterday marching around City. Still very very hot, possibly even more humid than the day before. Push all thoughts of Global Warming out of head. Thoughts return immediately. Am sad to conclude (after much marching) that suitable curtains do not exist. Finally find bright, printed curtains for not too much money. Can't tell if actually like the curtains or experiencing delerium brought on by heat. Don't care because delirum turns out to be pleasant. Also experiencing shopping high. Purchase curtains. Somehow also buy new knob for medecine cabinet, bath mat, toothbrush holder, and shopping bag organizer. The store is out of curtain rods but there is another Branch in So Ho that may have what I am looking for. Here is a card so I can call them. Walk back to the office. Drop off bags, which seem to have multiplied. March down to SoHo. Air conditioning out in store and everything seems underwater. All of the shop clerks shockingly friendly. The clerk helping me apologizes for lack of air conditioning. Want to say something sympathetic, but instead say "it sure is hot in here" in peevish tone. Clerk taken aback. Curtain rod resembes nothing so much as a very long copper pipe almost as tall as me. On very trying walk back, in lobby, in elevator, and on office floor, enter into many conversations about pipe. All follow same outline. Whatchyou got there? Fixing your plumbing? Meet friends for dinner and check pipe at door. Take subway home. Become aware of spectacle caused by pipe. See other odd things on the train and am forced to conclude that I am more part of the tribe of strange behavior than not, i.e. man wearing hat with faux foliage sewn onto the back so that his head resembes a bush, very normal looking young woman wearing a white peasant skirt, high heels, a green tank top, and a black eyepatch, man sprawled out on seat of train playing with empty tuna fish can. Man with very tall pole sitting in chair. Heat has a leveling effect.


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