Thursday, September 22, 2005


Jenny wakes me up at five this morning, wanting to go outdoors. Because of injured paw, must be carried down (and, naturally, up) the four flights of stairs. She is surprisingly solid dog for being so small. Doesn't seem to care for the sidewalk much and right after she does her business, gives a longing look at the door to the apartment building. We ascend. Feel that Jenny not an aristocratic enough name for this dog. Since up so early, take look at murder mystery. Discover that it hasn't written itself. To the contrary appears to have atrophied. Drink first full cup of coffee since the stomach sickness and attack murder mystery with vigor. Also tidy up credenza which hold's Dave's mail and give the bathroom a quick scrub. Feeling full of virtue, make sandwiches for self and Dave, so that we don't Waste money. Jenny very interested in food preparation. Demands and receives a piece of cheese. Scold her for being bad, but in baby voice so she doesn't get scared.


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