Monday, September 19, 2005


Become much closer to Dave than ever thought possible this weekend. Saturday spent prone, and sweaty, but not for any romantic reasons. At noon, Dave says his stomach feels funny. At twelve fifteen, find self lying on Dave's bed with pillow over head. Say that feel achey. Twelve thirty finds us both in the bathroom reenacting end of pie eating contest scene in Stand By Me, except that vomit not blue. Dave and I very solicitous toward each other in the immediate aftermath of each trip to the bathroom, when suddenly feel Much Better. After one such deceptive moment, take trip to Deli for supplies. Dave and I have spent all day urging each other to drink Something. Finally think that seltzer and apple juice sounds nice. Put on strange outfit. Make mistake of looking in mirror, very disheartening experience, sickness not favorable to looks. When make it downstairs, get caught in torrential rain storm. Drenched to skin. Can't decide if rain feels very good or very bad. When get back to apartment, Dave says I am Brave, which makes me feel so. On Sunday we begin to think about eating. Dave spreads peanut butter on crackers, but the smell of this sends me to bedroom for self-defensive nap. Feel much better today, but am determined never to let another Boca soy sausage pass lips.


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