Thursday, September 15, 2005

Student Worker

The Contessa makes the astonishing claim that she likes the humidity. Says that it makes her face feel moisturized and healthy. When she delivers this pronouncement, have just arrived from the subway. When got off train, brain provides unoriginal thought that platform feels just like oven. Street feels better for a couple of seconds until full weight of humidity hits, causing sweat to trickle down face and body in very unbecoming way. Explain all this to the Contessa. But she stands by her original claim. Says, No, really, she likes it. Later, the Contessa has to go to the podiatrist. Ask her for What. She refuses to answer question but blushes. Persist in line of questioning until she admits to Warts. Says in grim tones that Justin has them too and she’s afraid she caught them from him. She says she wonders what else he's given her. Ask, are things not going so well with you too? She says, they are going fine (which means they are not) and walks briskly out of the office. When she gets back from podiatrist says that she would like to revise her opinion of humidity. Will I please look at her face and see if that is a pimple on her nose and a whole cluster on her forehead? I assure her that she is being paranoid. She says that whoever invented courderoy pants ought to be shot. Conversation interrupted by appearance of young woman arriving for interview. Wants position of Student Worker. Has, despite heat, dressed up for interview, which is makes me both want to give her the job on the spot (barring any overly suspicious behavior) because Student wearing skirt, silk blouse and pearls with hair swept up in dramatic twist, and looking like the humidity actually has improved her face, but it may be that she is only twenty. Says she enjoys making copies. Think this is highly unlikely, but know that own behavior in interviews less than completely truthful. Student named Susan. The contessa nods at me and I nod at her. The contessa says, Susan, When can you start?


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