Sigrid's Wedding
Am in Whidby Island and feel very far away from New York. Feeling accentuated by extremely ancient and slow internet connection. At last minute, Sigrid decides that all of the wedding party is to wear suits (the men) and dresses (the women). Her friend Bobby (a woman) is not allowed to wear the men's tuxedo she bought and is now being difficult about it. Arrive at my Grandmother's house in the middle of Sigrid having an impresssive fit about bobby's tuxedo. Mother attempts to calm Sigrid down, reminding her that it was she who said we were to be creative. I never said anything like that, Sigrid tugs at her hair. Say hello to Sigrid. Do not correct her as she has a murderous look in her eye. Would like to remind her that to be a high strung bride is highly unoriginal, but don't. Still have sick feeling about Dave, but it is the good sick feeling like the world is going to end, but in a pleasant way. The night before leave New York, sit down with Dave at apartment and attempt to have convesation about Relationship. We agree to See How it Goes. This sober talk accompanied by not being able to Keep Hands off Each Other. On airplane ride to Seattle (massively delayed when one of two very aged men who, originally think are Longtime Companians but who, further experience reveals, are father and son, the father of whom is in the bathroom when the plane is attempting to take off and who the stewardess discovers in a bad way, and about whom the pilot explains as we drive back to the gate that the Aft lavatory is Extremely Soiled. Battle opposite feelings of wanting to see just how bad it is, and smelling the situation, which makes me want to get off plane too.) After excitement, spend the rest of time on plane fantasizing about new life with Dave. Think that we will pick out China very Soon. Now Sigrid is crying. Now, in kitchen of grandmother's house, think that elopiing a much better option.
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