Thursday, July 28, 2005

Lateral Movement

Have long talk with the Contessa about Agents. The gist is, Should I Get One. Extravagant fantasies about acting career laid low by by reality when Libby comes into office with extremely red face. Enter into very trying conversation with Libby about mixed up Office Depot order. Am accused of signing for sixth floor delivery and taking supplies for own use. Have no recollection of doing so and say so with vehemence. Defense is undermined by discovery on desk of Pen which Libby recognizes as Just Like the specially ordered pens which she was expecting in the delivery. Recall receiving pens and feeling as though universe had sent a special treat . Universe evidentally playing a trick. Find half-used box of pens and give to Libby. Apologize. The Contessa makes a face at Libby's retreat. Resume conversation about Agents, but with less vigor.


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