Friday, August 05, 2005

Movie, Day 2 (yesterday)

Yesterday morning, after discovering proximity to Dave, also discover that neither he nor I have on clothes. Become alarmed. Attempt to recreate end of evening to discern how badly have misbehaved. Head hurts. Get out of bed and put on clothes strewn about the room. Mind provides images of night before: Weaving down sidewalk, the buying of seltzer water and guzzling of same on street. Look in fridge to see if any seltzer left. No. But find smoked cigarette stubbed out in teacup on kitchen counter. Both Dave and quit smoking many years before, but when got home last night, remember insisting with vehemence that need ciggie (the diminuitive causes less guilt). Hunt ensues. Search highly unlikely places, the medicine cabinet, behind books in bookshelf, in Refrigerator. In overcoat, Dave finds ancient Gauloises. Both of us have no trouble remembering how to smoke (like bicycle). We both claim to love smoking. Can't think why we ever gave it up. Humor turns black. Global Warming is going to cause us to die of heatstroke or starvation anyway. With that sort of Devil may care attitude, say to Dave, (in morning and now, blush at boldness) Usually the cigarette comes after the other thing. Clothes removed, etc. The night recreated, brace self for remorse. None comes. Dave stirs in bed. Opens eyes and says, Hi. Whisper, I've got to go to the movie, Go back to sleep. (It is five thirty in the morning & call time is at 6.) Walking over to cafe for Day Three of filming (also known as Sitting Around) am confused in what seems to be a good way. But extremely nauseaus. Am firm about one thing: resolve to Never Drink Again. See Justin the producer. He says, Oh good, you look Tough this morning. Have begun to realize Tough a euphamism.


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