Friday, May 25, 2007


Oliver red faced when come in today. Susan, who sits at desk just across from Oliver is briskly typing. Say, Bon jour! (Have had best sleep in long time--only woke up once during night and downstairs neighbor who smokes at 6 a.m. every morning either didn't smoke, was out of town, or died--don't care which.) Oliver whispers, Can I talk to you?...In your office? Open door. Office smells strongly of urine. Find Bridget (Oliver's girlfriend's whippet) under desk, shivering, looking like coming down from speed. Oliver shuts the door behind himself as try to coax Bridget out. She snarls. Oliver says, I didn't know what else to do. Ask why he brought Bridget to work in the first place? His girlfriend made him. (Would very much like to meet this girlfriend who is able to make Oliver do exactly what she asks--must be very forceful personality.) Ask him if there was some trouble with Susan. Oliver takes a very long time to tell story, but the gist of it is that Susan was nipped (her skin wasn't broken), that she (Susan) kicked Bridget with her pointy shoe, and that she called Animal Control. This turn of events very different than fantasy of day in which breeze in and out of work by noon in honor of holiday weekend. Send Oliver and Bridget away--tell him that don't care where he goes, as long as away. Cindy Stevens has taken today off, so attempt to soothe Susan's feelings. Susan is not to be calmed. She has not only called Animal Control, she has called her Union Representative. After long and difficult conversation, finally convince her to go home too and for us to look at the Situation on tuesday with clearer heads. Susan replies that her head is perfectly clear, but that fine, she'll go home.


Blogger Heather Moore said...

I think Susan sounds like Cruella deVille. I'm on the whippet's side.

4:33 AM  

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