Monday, October 09, 2006

New Dentist

See new dentist this morning. (Never liked former dentist--waitingroom depressing and dingy, bathroom filthy, and dentist prone to violent jabbings with small metal hook. Always left leaving feeling like had been Worked On, as a car. New dentist comes highly reccomended from womanin feathered shrug who met at political party. Produced card of new dentist after we spent a solid fifteen minutes exchanging horror stories about bad dentists. After conversation, felt slightly uneasy that had been talking about Teeth with a perfect stranger and immediately had to excuse self.) Dentist's building just off Park Avenue in the fifties and extremely fancy--lobby all marble and gilt molding. Office pristine and staff friendly. Dentist also friendly though perhaps a bit of a name dropper--quite a few of his patients are very well known writers. Feel glad to be among such an illustrious crew, especially one famous Memoirist, who has impressive teeth and always reminds me of a race horse. Hygenist extremely chatty. Is very glad that weather has changed and that it isn't so humid any more. Humidity turns her into a Bush Lady. As teeth are being scraped with sharp tool, can only grimace, but am worried that hygenist is being racist. Listen carefully to everything else she has to say, but no further confirmation is forthcoming and unfortunate phrase perhaps only that. (Question: What would I do if fear was confirmed?) At end of cleaning, dentist and hygenist look at x-rays. I have two small cavities. Once the dentist leaves the room, hygenist gives a very stern lecture about Flossing. She does not mince words. At one point she actually says, These two cavities are Your Fault. It is rare that blame is so squarely placed on one's shoulders. Find it bracing, and, strangely, a relief. Make appointment to come back to have cavities filled. Am warned that as cavities on two sides of mouth, speaking will be Impossible for hours after procedure, but you can do both if you Think you can Handle It. Perverse impulse makes me take challenge. Go back to office feeling slightly stunned, but clean and well taken care of. Recount all at length to Libby. Libby says that she know of a dentist who give you Valium before every visit. Recall saying about the greenness of the grass on the other side.


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