Thursday, September 21, 2006


Receive unexpected phone call this morning from Hilary, casting director who put me small movie last year. Her tone and manner very bracing and find self meekly agreeing to come into an audition next week. I'll fax you the sides. In daze, tell her the fax number for old secretary job. When hang up phone, have panicky moment when realize have no idea whether am trying out for dog walker or stockbroker. Perhaps was only thinking of dogs and imagined that would be role? Go downstairs to retrieve sided. in state of extreme embarassment and dread. Am also slightly excited. Tell the Contessa. She says, that's great, but remember you complained the whole time. Do not like to think of self as the sort of person who complains Thge Whole Time. Say stiffly, Well. Unfortunately, further eloquence is not forthcoming. The Contessa apologizes, says she's noticed she's being a real (vulgar word) these days. She should be exited for me. (Vulgar word,) she should be exicted for herself. Ask, Excited about what? She mutters about the new man, think I hear her say He wants to get married. Ask shreiking, Do you have a ring? Now, don't be excited, the Contessa says, I don't know if I want to get married. It seems like things are moving too fast. My therapist says that I need to play it cool. Do not trust the contessa's therapist. Once told the Contessa out of the blue that she should grow out her bangs. The therapist right, but never felt that this was professional behavior. Tell the Contessa firmly that she needs to do what her heart says. She says dryly, We've all seen how well that's worked out for me in the past.


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