Monday, April 17, 2006


The Contessa says that she doesn't think it would be good for her to stay at home all day every day. She could see how she could very easily become like the older woman who wears a sunbonnet and surgical mask who pushes her cart around the Village all day feeding pigeons. Have had same feeling myself, but still can't understand why the Contessa wouldn't quit and take a trip, at least for a while. Say so. She says back, For one thing, I don't have anybody to take the trip with. When I was younger I liked to travel by myself, but now it would just be depressing. I would be the weirdo hippy lady in the hostel who says condescending things to the college kids. She'd have to grow a mustache or wear big beads and she doesn't want to do that. Ask, Why would you have to stay in a hostel--you could stay in a real hotel, with adults? She makes a face at that too. The phone rings. The contessa picks up the phone. She nods curtly. Says, Sure. Sets receiver firmly into cradle. Well, she says. Ask, Who was that.?That was the Vice-Boss. And? She said that she was running a bit late today for her meeting with the President. The Contessa pushes her hair behind her ears. She is pale. Ask, What does she want you to do? The Contessa replies, Apparently she has a shirt hanging oup on the hook on her door. It is missing a button and she wants me to sew it on. And. (The office gets very quiet and somehow smaller.) She knows I sometimes make my own clothes, so it shouldn't be so hard for me to do it. There is a pause and change further in room climate so that am reminded of what in California is referred to as Earthquake Weather. The Contessa asks, What was she trying to imply by saying that she Knew I Made My Own Clothes? (Do not wish to disagree with the Contessa--this inadvisable at the moment--but brain takes side trip into fantasy about making own clothes--pants so often too long when purchased and then too short when hemmed by tailor. If could do such simple things myself, would improve life immensely. Note: Look at sewing machines on craigslist.) The Contessa says, very impressively, On second thought I think that today I will turn in my two week notice. Agree that there is nothing else to be done.


Blogger frostine said...

Fritz, I'm happy for the Contessa, yet devastated for both of us.

4:24 PM  

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