Friday, March 31, 2006

From San Francisco

Call the office (why?) The Contessa says that all is fine. She told The Vice Boss that I was called away on to an emergency birth and the Vice Boss, said, Oh I didn't know Fritz's wife was pregnant. Then the Vice-Boss said, We have to send them flowers. The Contessa says that the Vice-Boss actually seemed excited and also forked over her credit card, so the Contessa played along. Also says, I sent a plant instead of cut flowers because because a plant isn't already dead, even though it might die. Thank her. (Privately think that not happily or optimistically put.) Tell her that niece Elizabeth is extremely cute though head a bit misshapen and face angry shade of purple, but am assured by Sigrid that this is normal. (!) The Contessa says, O yes, and adds impressively, Only cesarian section babies come out cute because they don't have to go through the birth canal.


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