Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Attend two meetings, first in morning and has to do with proper procedures for filling out expense reports, which don't care about and in which draw very handsome portrait of Abe Lincoln (drawing began its life as sketch of secretary from provosts office, but fingers caused face to turn long and for nose to grow beaky added stove top hat to save). Next meeting in office, with New Man and Vice-Boss. The Contessa sits next to door to Get the Phones. In first few seconds of meeting, phone rings and she escapes. Later, hear her talking and laughing. Vice-Boss and New Man enter into strange disucssion about rodents (meeting purports to be about spring schedule). The Vice-Boss says she is not afraid of mice At All and the new man agrees. Vice-Boss (am not surprised to learn) kept pet rat when young (name of Mr. Nibbles). Memories of Mr. Nibbles and Honey (boyhood golden retriever of New Man) shared at length. Draw dog, which intend to look like Golden Retriever but which ends up looking more like hairbrush.


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