Monday, November 21, 2005

Copy Machine

Things back to normal. The Contessa in her chair and me in mine. Am given box of very nice chocolates which suspect were purchased in airport, but am still touched. Open box, put chocolate in mouth and sit on edge of chair, ready for dose of gossip. The Contessa says that she was sworn to secrecy about Vice-Boss's bad behavior which is just fine with her. She wishes she could tell me something but she Can't. She really, really Can't. Promise, in what seems to me to be very sincere tone (later, in afternoon, see that problem with tone was that a bit too breathy, indicating severe desire.) Become huffy, Say, See, you did become friends. BFF. The Contessa wrinkles her nose, Not hardly. Says, If you swear on your mother's grave that you won't tell. Do so. Wheels self closer. Says that bad behavior didn't end with the falling off the chair. Next night, at business dinner, drinks three martinis and then is extremely selfish about bottle of wine. Evening ends in very dramatic drunken episode (the contessa makes it clear that she during evening is bone sober) in which the Contessa forced to drag the Vice-Boss across lobby of hotel and is asked by desk man in very en haut a bas tone when tried to retrieve key whether or not Madame ought to see the Doctor. The Vice-Boss became animated and yells. The Contessa, stops story, says she is not paid enough for this. In fact, she is not paid enough to keep secrets either and she hereby releases me from my promise (feel twinge of guilt about recklessly gambled upon mother's grave.) The Contessa says that she was so nervous by the episode that when the v-p passed out she (the contessa) had to take one of the Vice-Boss's valiums that night and a handful of other pharmiceuticals for future use. She pauses. That part I'm to keep to myself. Assure her I will.


Blogger Michael Lehet said...

Sounds like a fruitful trip for the Contessa, you should try to get a share of the pharmaceuticals as hush money.

12:27 PM  

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