Sunday, November 27, 2005

Nightmare & Hope

Wake up this morning from very upsetting dream in which the Vice-Boss announces that there is to be a reorganization of office. My new job is to help her write her Memoir. Understand from the arrangement of her facial features that she means that her sole contribution will be dictation. I will take down the dictation and do all the editing. Also, my desk is to be exchanged for model which coverts into Bed. In dream compose speech in head in which demand substantial raise for what is clearly unprecedented augmentation of job duties. (This mornign am very angry that unable to present composed speech in dream. Question: does socialization prevent one from behaving impolitely even in dream? Answer: Mostly -- except when engaged in perverted sexual acts -- yes). Open eyes. Jenny not in bed. Get up. In living room, discover Jenny nestled next to Sigrid. Sigrid sits bolt upright in sofa bed. Looks at me piercingly. Says, I would kill for a cup of coffee. Please make the coffee so I can at least Smell it. Agree to do so. Jenny follows into kitchen. (Give Jenny food and water but tell her that if she consumes, she must also go on Walks. Day before yesterday, Refused to go out into the cold and then peed on floor of hall closet.) Bring cup of coffee back to Sigrid. Sigrid holds coffee mug in hand and sniffs vigorously. Is not drinking coffee because she is pregnant. Made announcement immediately before thanksgiving dinner, which led to much celebration. (Sigrid drank Pellegrino, and husband, in bracing loyalty, did same. Dave and I, however, took care to make sure that no wine went to waste, drinking Sigrid and husband's share plus two servings of Eau de Vie after dinner. Extremely bad mistake. Memo: if after-dinner drinks begin to seem like a good idea, immediately lock liquor cabinet.) Evening ended with me next to Sigrid on couch. Have hand on her stomach. Tell her that think can feel the Baby kick. Says she doubts it as fetus only two months but maintain that little niece (or nephew) aware of presence.


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