Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Purchasing Meeting

Attend purchasing meeting this afternoon. Meeting in airless room with framed posters of old advertisements for school on walls. Am, as always, disappointed that no donuts provided (Question: When have donuts been part of meeting? Proportion of meetings with donuts to meetings without in extreme contrast. So extreme that meetings with donuts insignificant in fact if not in imagination. Have often noticed, however, that imagination very skillful at enlarging fantasies. Or, for that matter, Problems. Hand sneaks up to worrisome mole.) When scan room see that fellow secretaries have planned ahead and brought coffee. One person has mint tea, which also seems like a good idea. Libby enters with her own cup of Earl Grey, which have lost the taste for and therefore, don't covet. Feel comraderie with fellow secretaries. Have expectation (based entirely on optimism, not fact) that meeting will end early and that will then be able to get own coffee, or possibly Orange Spice tea and something sweet, like brownie or rugalach. The two people from purchasing distribute handouts. Handouts very clear and see that if we'd all been emailed handouts instead of meeting, I could already be eating cheese danish. The two begin presentation on new PO procedures. Presentation interrupted by middle-aged woman whith yellow teeth who says that her department has never done it that way and why do things have to change? Is agreed with by young black man who seems to be working with his gender. Believe that he is wearing a woman's top. He gets in on discussion. Everything is changing around the school. Others agree with him and expand on topic. Conversation becomes strangely personal (all changes are the fault of the purchasing, it seems) and heated. Cover notepad with stars and flowers. See that if meeting goes on much longer, doodling may turn disturbing. Feel a Unicorn coming on. We move on to actual topic of meeting, which turns out to not be an improvement. Unicorn avoided, but Troll takes its place.


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