Friday, October 21, 2005

Dinner in Peru

When get up, Jenny apprently not anxious to go outside (drizzly and gray) because she and Dave, also sleeping remain completely covered by comforter and pillows. Would not like to be so completely covered up as it would make feel chokey, but Dave and Jenny (thankfully for them) not me. Make coffee, sit in front of computer. Open file. Find scrap of paper next to computer. Draw portrait of Jenny, which though technically not perfect, captures her spirit exactly. Here is where my talent lies. Think about taking a drawing class. Look online at classes at SVA and Parsons. Come to grim conclusion that if hadn't bought shoes, could afford class. Dismay at general and specific behavior threatens to paralyize. Take medicinal gulp of coffee. Coffee extremely good, much improved by new regimen of half-and-half instituted by Dave. Coffee enables self to begin to think about dinner scene. First though, experience feeling that am yanking out eye lash hairs one by one. Also coome to terms with fact that what had though was just pimple under mole is, in fact, melanoma. Thoughts continue in similar vein until am struck with feeling that am extremely lucky and shouldn't complain, even to self (have no expectation that thie example of clarity of thought will continue). Begin work. Become busy with problem at hand, namely, how to make it clear that when Judy and the Professor were young they were lovers. Write the superficial conversation covering up the unspoken flirtation (but also the memory of Judy leaving college to have an abortion--or so she told the Professor, who wasn't a professor then, but another student.)There is the conversation about the dig at the camp in Peru. There is the passing of the plates,the pouring of the coffee by the guides, and, as it is Adelita's birthday, the bringing out of the birthday Flan. (Is it possible to have flan if no refrigeration? Will pretend that flan chilled with ice hacked off from glacier. Note: find out of glacier near camp, or if mountain stream could be used instead.) At exact moment when feel have exhausted mental reserves, Jenny emerges from bedroom, puts paw on leg to signal that she would like to go for walk now. We do.


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