Thursday, August 30, 2007


Over ginger tea (stomach not all it could be today) tell the Contessa about tomorrow's audition. The Contessa becomes red and says as though spitting out tacks that Betsey is a snake, a weasel, and a shrew and the Contessa wouldn't trust her as far as she could throw her which isn't far because Betsey has a big A. Heartily agree, but ask, Porquoi the sudden hostility? Why all the Zoo animals? The Contessa replies that she Betsey went out and at the end of the evening she let slip that she thought that the Contessa was to blame for the New Man's behavior. The Contessa was not actually interested in a serious relationship and so he strayed because he knew that she was going to wig out on him at some point anyway. Ask her if she threw her drink in Betsey's face. I did not, the Contessa says, I took it and I agreed with her and it wasn't until I woke up the next morning--after a horrible night's sleep--very bad dreams about a swamp, ugh--that I realized what she'd done. But congratulations on getting the audition and good luck, the Contessa adds magnanimously.


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