Bad Dog
Am very shocked and disturbed this morning by Jenny's murderous behavior in park which results in one dead squirrel. Feel that squirrel must have been on it's last legs anyway, because Jenny on best of days not especially fleet of foot. She is, however always hopeful, and today she takes off after squirrel like all other days. Instead of the squirrel blithely running up nearby tree, squirrel keels over, allowing Jenny to pounce. Jenny brings the squirrel to me and drops it at my feet. The murder victim stares up at me with beady eye, little claws folded back against it's chest, but is bloodless--think--must be in shock, She would make a good bird dog--has a soft mouth. Jenny barks and wags her tail, looking up at me. Wonder--not for the first time--what could be going through her head. What is going through my head is, What am I going to do with this thing? Thankfully (?) have plastic bags in pocket, meant to be used for poop removal. One bag instead becomes body bag. Jenny holds head high on walk home and when door to apartment is opened, she races in to kitchen, where Dave scoops her up. and before can say anything, she is licking him all over his face. Feel that am closing the barn door after the horse has left when brush Jenny's mouth and teeth with baking soda (she is very upset by the process.) But Dave approves heartily after tell him where her mouth has been.
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