Friday, March 09, 2007

Dog in Office

Oliver asks, actually very nicely for once, including pleases and thank yous in his speech, if he might bring in his girlfriend's dog to work, just this once, please, she is at a friend's place in Beacon and he needs to bring the dog with him so that they can both meet the girlfriend, please. Thank you. Am so excited by prospect of dog in office that forget to ask what kind of dog it is--if it goes well, why couldn't Jenny come too? She could lie down right under my desk and if I felt myself getting anxious or upset I could give her a little scratch behind the ears. Have pleasant fantasies involving Jenny at the office for the rest of the day, the evening, and the morning. When come into work this morning, however, come face-to-face with quivering Whippet, dressed in voluminous black fleece If it wore sunglasses, would look exactly like Mary-Kate Olsen. Am horrified, but do not want to be breedist, so reach down to give her a pat on the head. She snarls in in a high-pitched tone and then pees on the carpet. Oliver says, Bridgett, no! He shakes his head. She already went in your office too, he says, I don't know how you're going to get the smell out. Fantasies so rarely come true.


Blogger Another Shade of Grey said...

I'm still reeling over the pink leopard coat. Better hope she never googles Dolce & Gabanna and hot pink leopard or you'll be busted. ;)

5:44 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Sorry, I had to giggle, but at least I didn't make a mess on the carpet.

Oliver has a girlfriend?

10:31 AM  

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