Friday, February 02, 2007

Bad Behavior

Am attempting to get ready for big meeting, am in the middle of three emails, and realize that both shoes have come untied when Dave comes by new office yesterday bearing giant bouquet of peonies and vase. Gape, and attempt to express adequate appreciation, but phone rings and answer. It is shrew from the President's office, voice like a chilly hamster, asking for information on potential donor and reminding me that she asked for same 2 months ago. Remind her in turn that did not work for development office 2 months ago. Conversation continues in same vein as Dave sits in chair and waits for me to be done. As hang up phone, feeling warm and irritated, Oliver pokes head in door and says that I have somebody waiting. Ask, Oh, who is it? Oliver replies, shrugging, Oh, I don't know, somebody. Say, attempting to be civil, Does somebody have a name? Ha, ha. Whoa, says Oliver, That's a little hostile. Am red hot mad to roots of hair. There is a tense standoff. Dave attempts to diffuse situation by asking, Where's the best place to get water for these flower? Unjustly give him wrathful look intended for Oliver. Dave leaves very very shortly thereafter, looking bewildered. Somebody--turns out to be person from mailroom with package for me and who needs signature--signature which could have easily been provided by Oliver. Continue to be intensely mad until am seated in meeting at which point waves of remorse wash over body. Feel that for the good of humanity, I ought to be shot, at least, and probably worse, and know that can't apologize until meeting is over.


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