Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Moving the Contessa

Move very very trying because of Ernesto, who dumps down rain and blows it sideways all day long. All other trouble caused by the Contessa who -- although enthusiastic an good natured -- 1. says she Loves to Drive Big Trucks and then briskly turns the wrong way from the U-Haul parking lot onto a one way street. Even at time do not buy her argument that The Street is Very Wide. 2. Apartment hardly packed at all. Am sent to deli to buy Hefty bags. (The Contessa very generously give me $5 to do so) 3. The New Man very willing to help, and also strong and energetic, but the Contessa insists that he Rest Often because of his rash (??!!!) 4. Do not feel that extolling Dave to Chop Chop a very effective inducement. But perhaps the Contessa can't see Dave's face, which is beet red, either from lifting very heavy box labled Tchotchkes or from severe anger. At end of day am wet, tired, and cranky, but insist that move trouble at all. (Why?) Try to leave, but the Contessa insists on taking us out to dinner. Indicate hair and clothes, which are not fit for social interaction. The Contessa says, No, No, We can all take showers and then the boys can wear the New Man's clothes. Do not relish the idea of wearing somebody else's clothes nor using his towels, especially if he has a rash, but see no way of declining. Thankfully, towels smell of bleach. In bathroom, Dave gets the hysterical giggles and am alarmed, until he explains that this is the worst move he's ever helped with. (Sometimes do not understand his humor.) Am restored to humanitiy after shower, which is very hot and very forceful. Evening ends on high note, caused by delicious wine and snacks at wine bar followed by many drinks and karaoke. Regret follows naturally the next day. Do not like to remember self belting out These Boots Are Made For Walking while mimicking groovy seventies dance performed by Nancy Sinatra on television screen.


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