Monday, April 24, 2006

The New Bridge

On way to pool this morning see the New Man giving his Y card to the check in lady. Do not wish to have him notice me, so pretend to examine bulletin board around corner. The New Man and check in lady seem to be long lost friends or perhaps even mother and child--are laughing uproariously and New Man has reached across desk to put his hand on check in lady's shoulder. Am curious but do not wish to be caught staring, so look at bulletin board with renewed vigor. Posters on bulletin board advertise the Geriatric Health and Sexuality Workshop, Part 2. Turn what feels like and imagine is a beet red. The New Man gone from front desk, walk away from bulletin board briskly. Hand over card to check in lady, who does not greet me as old friend or family member. (Nor should she, but am still slightly hurt.) Take time walking down stairs as have no desire to run into the New Man in the locker room either. While meandering, have thought that calling him The New Man analagous to the use of the name Pont Neuf -- new bridge -- for oldest existing bridge in paris -- while inaccurate in one way (newness is passing) it has become accurate because the name faithfully represents an actual person -- think that might type up small scholarly article to be submitted to journal on semiotics -- walk into woman with a stroller who growls, Watch where you're going. Do not see the New Man the whole time at gym until come back from pool and shower where discover that own locker directly next door to the New Man's. Says, Hey there Fritz, don't get enough of me, aye. Mumble, No I guess I don't, excuse me. He laughs in slightly cruel way which imagine is going to lead to me getting snapped me with his towel. Fears, thankfully, not realized. The New Man, in fact, extremely friendly. Suggests that we go to the Donut Pub, which we do, and where he treats.


Blogger Michael Lehet said...

Ah a man after my own heart...a donut after a workout!

5:21 PM  
Blogger frostine said...

I have a crush on The New Man.

1:04 PM  

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