Friday, July 08, 2005


Vice-boss arrives at office loaded down with bags. I'm SO glad to see you, she says. Smile fake smile. So does she. She starts unpacking bags. One holds condiments, horseradish mustard, currant jelly, marmelade (marmelade!), anchovy paste, capers, Old Bay spice. The other bag holds three two-piece bathing suits. Vice-boss asks, could you please fedex these to Amagansett for Saturday delivery? Am afraid that have appalled look on face because vice-boss, says, The food (food?) is for our retreat next week. Say, making a joke, what about the bathing suits? We each get a new bathing suit? No, of course not, she snaps. So you'll take care of this right away? Much later wish had bowed head and said, as you wish, m'lady.


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