Tuesday, May 24, 2005

All Will Be Revealed

Spent much of the morning discussing Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. The Contessa and I wondered whether or not Tom gave Katie the herpes. Were just embarking on a fruitful exploration of Scientology and whether or not the church forces him to be with women, and whether he is gay or not, I think no, the Contessa thinks maybe, but really, who cares about Tom Cruise, why do we spend so much time talking about people we don't even know? There are other people in our lives who we are more interested in, i.e. the New Man. Who unfortunately arrived at the moment that I said his name out loud. (observation: have often noticed that the saying a of a person's name causes the person to appear--unless one wants the person to appear) The Contessa and I made rather dramatic shows of being busy. The Contessa pretended to answer the phone and I checked the toner in the printer. The New Man sat on the edge of the Contessa's desk. He wore a gray flannel suit and he smelled like soap. Says, How's it going this morning? It seems that you two Run the Show, how about you fill me in?
Felt no small amount of pride (I DO run the show!) and saw that the Contessa was similarly flattered. Our tete-a-tete shattered by the arrival of the vice-boss bearing a box of donuts, which meant that a meeting was on the horizon. Filled with dread.


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