Thursday, May 25, 2006


Once again, revise opinion of the New Man. Revision (this time) is for the better. At the bar he is charming and funny. He and Dave have a long and--it appears, fruitful though have no way of truly assesing--conversation about comic books and graphic novels. They seem to agree on the major points and have only negligible, natural disagreements about specifics--conversation seems to consist mostly of prhrases: yes of course, exactly, strange that you should say that... The Contessa and I are in complete agreement about topic as well-as she says, Both forms Make Her Eyes Tired. Say Exactly, Like trying to read French...straight to sleep. (note: Remember this for next time insominia strikes.) So while Dave and the New Man talk, the Contessa and I attack the US weekly, which, no matter what its faults, is not dull. As usual many celebrities look like skin-and-bone, a few look like they could use a Diet and not much of anybody looks just right. Drinks turn into dinner at Italian place. The New Man orders a very very nice bottle of red wine. Become loquatious and witty though am not sure exactly about what. Lighting in restaurant just right, making everyone look quite beautiful. Dewy. In cab on ride home, Dave says, mildly, You made him seem much worse than he is. Say, he is at his best in a situation like this. There is a pause. Ask, You didn't find him even a little bit difficult? He is almost too nice, say. Dave replies, Really? Feel that am a very bad person. Much later as we are falling asleep Dave says that he will find the New Man annoying if I want him to.


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