Monday, May 22, 2006


Take Jenny for customary walk early this morning. Day windy but sunny. Jenny sociable with other dogs and even seems to be a calming influence on excitable Jack Russell terrier who usually see barking his head off at bits of trash being blown down sidewalk, small children in strollers, etc. Feel that could very easily spend all day in park. Begin to hatch plan involving thermos of coffee, salami sandwiches, large bag of chips, bar of chocolate and a couple of oranges (if put plan into effect, must also build in time for long and brisk walk.) Could call and say that I am sick. But know very well that Libby will be able to tell that I'm lying and will (what is worse) make me feel bad about it. Also have creeping dread about what need to do at work. New job has alarmingly caused pending file to become pending office. Feel that brow definately furrowed and can hear sighs escaping from body. Run into Serena and dog. How are you? Serena asks. Say, Oh Fine, in grim tones that do not care for at all. Attempt to smile. Wish that we won't have to talk about my Book, but of course we do. Lose head and say It is Almost Done in falsely bright voice. Serena raises her right eyebrow and says, Yes, of course you are. She probably does not mean to be condescending, but I become very angry and have to leave. In apartment take drawn out shower and dress for hours, but it is finally time to go. Jenny chews the shoelace off my one remaining pair of acceptable shoes, which I interpret to mean that she sad that I am leaving, so at least the feeling is mutual.


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