Monday, February 13, 2006


Spend the whole of the weekend hunched in front of computer. Am both very productive (with side trips into, naturally drawing and chess; chess: computer 42, me 0; drawing: necktie with stripes, spider plant, good likeness of Dave even though he says it makes him look like a giraffe, coffee mug). At end of writing sessions each day, am hungry to core of being and become Suzie Homemaker. On Sunday, new role caused, in part, by necessity -- do not care go outside into Record Breaking snow Look in refrigerator and freezer to see what there is to eat. Am discouraged. Look outdoors and am even more discouraged, but newly interested in Making Do. Imagine self as member of the Ingalls family. Find passable vegetables (celery, carrots, onions) in crisper drawer. Make broth with chicken parts stored in freezer for such a purpose (assiduously keep Dave from seeing me pull out Neck and Back from Ziplock bag because of his known squeamishness. Unfortunately, he comes into the kitchen without warning to get a drink of water and bag slips to floor. Out rolls unidentified chicken part which Jenny pounces on. Frozen piece crunches in disturbing way as Jenny gobbles. Dave backs out of kitchen looking pale and says he will get water out of the bathroom. Jenny has extremely vile breath later.) End result is very rich chicken and vegetable soup. Also make biscuits which manage, contrary to past practice, to not cook for too long and both tops and bottoms turn out unburned. Dave, having presumably Blocked incident in the kitchen has multiple servings of soup and biscuits. Says, We should eat like this every night. Agree in theory. Earlier, while watching the Barefoot Contessa (no relation to our own Contessa) am struck by her comment that she always prepares Jeffrey (her husband) special meals when he's been away because, to quote, If I don't cook for him, I'm sure somebody else will be happy to and have a strong Reaction to her comment. But now see that there is some sense in utilizing the home arts.


Blogger frostine said...

I was JUST telling the Comrade on Sunday, as we traipsed through Prospect Park, about how Laura and Mary Ingalls used to put maple syrup outside on the snow and let it harden into candy!

Also -- and I know this seems unlikely -- part of the conversation at this year's Thanksgiving table was about the Barefoot Contessa's marriage, and our concern for it. I don't like that Jeffrey spends the week on his own in the city and joins her in the Hamptons only on weekends. I'm afraid she's dying inside.

2:17 PM  
Blogger thirty-year-old secretary said...

When I was a kid in California, o how I wished it would snow so that we could make maple syrup candy.

5:05 PM  

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