Monday, January 09, 2006

Elizabeth Kolbert

Last night make mistake of reading Elizabeth Kolbert's latest foray into topic of Global Warming, or How We Are Effed. As per usual, skip first couple of paragraphs in what know is useless attemp to not get ensnared by what am morally certain will be terrifying. Article is terrifying, but feel a sense of calm as shut magazine, turn out the light and attempt to go to sleep. Unexpectedly, sleep dreamlessly through the night and wake up refreshed. Once awake, however, spend morning on edge of severe panic. Fifty two degree weather not helping situation. See Libby in elevator this morning. Says, Isn't it a Beautiful day? Say No in hunted voice, which freaks self out even more. The Contessa comes in late, carring in what appears to be a sackful of drinks and and egg and cheese sandwiches. Am very disapproving of all of the packaging. Speech about how we all need to Do Our Part to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle on tip of tonuge until the Contessa hands me one of the snadwiches and a coffee plus obscene wad of napkins. Feel sick, but also, am ashamed to say, hungry. Take foil off of sandwich. (No bacon?) Eat as though have been starved. Tell self grimly that when things get really bad will look back on this sandwich with longing, so better get it while the getting's good. Lick fingers. When done with second breakfast, ask the Contessa if she is worried about Global Warming. She says, I was afraid you'd see thath article. Say, That's not answering the question. She shrugs. Says, Thereare Lots of things to be Afraid of. Besides, we are all going to die anyway, sooner or later. Say, But what about the rest of the animals and plants. Aren't you worried about those? The Contessa admits that last week she cried about the Orangutans. Reason, why she cried about orangutans hitherto unknown (Bornean rain forest being taken over by palm oil companies,) does not make feel better. By chance, the Vice-Boss overhears us talking about article. Says that Elizabeth Kolbert is an acquaintence of hers. Become more interested than have ever been in what the Vice-Boss has to say. Ask, Is she Suicidal? The Vice-Boss says, No. Pauses. Adds, She looks like she likes to drink Tea.


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